Rethinking Remote Education

In these trying times, kids have to deal with a lot of stuff they weren’t prepared for: a significant loss of weeks of education, damaged GPAs, and no assurance they’ll be going back in the fall. However, some schools were able to pivot because they already had implemented remote programs that were mature, easily implemented, […]

The Case Against Full-Disk Encryption

Like with any industry, the information security industry, more commonly referred to as “cybersecurity,” for all its raging debates, has rallied around a small corpus of best practices. One of the highest on this list is full-disk encryption, which security experts regard as sacrosanct, a no-brainer that everyone should use at the barest of minimums. […]

Tech Products That Make It Easier to Stay Home

I’ve been working from home for nearly 20 years, but being locked up at home due to the pandemic still drove me a little nuts. Several technology products have been particularly helpful while sheltering in place, making this semi-forced timeout feel less like a punishment and more like something I could endure. I’ll close with […]

10 Types of Social Proof and What Makes Them Effective

Social proof is an individual influencer or group clout that gives “proof” to a product. It is based on the principle that people tend to follow and conform to an influential person or a majority. They do this to be validated — a result of a need for safety. People covet security and acceptance and […]

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